Quiz Winner

Amidst the (not) overwhelming response to my Roman-themed literary trivia game, I am pleased to award the prize to Team Fa-Kaji. Between ancient lit-loving dad and Latin-studying daughter #3, I should have known they would be ringers. Your prize, a bottle of Pomegranate sauce, will soon be delivered to your home, by me or an authorized representative.

The first quote is, indeed, from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, a great play with many memorable lines.

In addition to  “O pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, that I am gentle and meek with these butchers!” (Marc Antony to the murdered Caesar), we also have “Beware and Ides of March..,” “Et tu, Brute?” “Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears…” and so on.

I don’t know nearly as much Shakespeare as I should. But dangit, I love that guy.

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